The Grand Budapest Hotel is a 2014 comedy-drama film written and directed by Wes Anderson. Ralph Fiennes leads a seventeen actor ensemble cast as Monsieur Gustave H. famed concierge of a twentieth century mountainside resort in the fiction Eastern European country of Zubrowka. When Gustave is framed for the murder of a wealthy dowarger (Tilda Swinton), he and his recently befriended protégé Zero (Tony Revolori) embark on a quest for fortune and a priceless Renaissance painting amidst the backdrop of an encroaching fascist regime.
The film currently holds a 92% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes and Glenn Kenny writing for, gave the film 4/4 stars saying this in his review, "As much as The Grand Budapest Hotel takes on the aspect of a cinematic confection, it does so to grapple with the very raw and, yes, real stuff of humanity from an unusual but highly illuminating angle. The Grand Budapest Hotel is a movie about the masks we conjure to suit our aspirations, and the cost of keeping up appearances. "He certainly maintained the illusion with remarkable grace" once character remakrs admiringly of another near the end of the movie. The Grand Budapest Hotel suggests that sometimes, as a species, that's the best we can do. Anderson the illusion maker is more than graceful, he's dazzling, and with this movie he's created an art-refuge that consoles and commiserates. It's an illusion, but it's not a lie."
We will be meeting Thursday, Aug. 31 at 5:30pm
Here's the trailer:
Hope to see you there!