Hey everybody!
Thank you to everyone who was able to make it out to our viewing of Mad Max: Fury Road. Also, special shout-out to everyone who was nice enough to bring treats, you guys rock!
Down to business. I thought I'd make a post to discuss our Summer Film Series. The theme is again going to be a director spotlight (like last year's focus on Werner Herzog). When I handed out that quiz last year, the second highest voted theme was the spotlight of director Christopher Nolan. I thought that would be a fun and entertaining summer theme (also, all his films were covered by our licensing, so, woo hoo!).
We will be watching six films over the next three months. Unfortunately, due to bad planning on my part, and better planning on my co-workers' parts, some of the days I would normally show films have been snatched up. SO, we will be having a slightly unorthodox viewing schedule, as far as Film Club is concerned. Some days will be different and so will the times to accommodate the longer running times. Be sure to give me your email, or come in to the library to pick up a flyer to stay up to date on when exactly we will be watching our films. So far, this is what I have planned for us:
6/9-Insomnia @6:15pm
6/16-The Prestige @6:15pm
7/5-Batman Begins @6:00pm
7/26-The Dark Knight @6:00pm
8/11-Inception @6:00pm
8/18-Interstellar @5:30pm
I know this is a little bit confusing compared to our regular schedule but hopefully it all goes smoothly and we can enjoy some fine films. Stay tuned for some more detailed descriptions and trailers for each film.
summer series is full of exciting action, wonderful acting, and thought
provoking ideas, I hope you can make it out to all of them but if you
can't, we look forward to seeing you whenever you can make it!
Enjoy the weather and hope to see you there!
I am interested, where do you meet up to view these movies at? Is it at a theatre or someones home? I take note they are older films? Pami pamstouchjewelry@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI am interested, where do you meet up to view these movies at? Is it at a theatre or someones home? I take note they are older films? Pami pamstouchjewelry@gmail.com